WWE Raw Results (6/17): Christian & Lesnar Return, McMahon Family Drama Continues, Ziggler Attacks & Much More!

-Curtis Axel def. Sin Cara

Sin Cara has the blue lighting back for this match. About the only offense he gets in is a dropkick and a roll-up for a near fall. Axel wins the match in short order with a kick to the knees, followed by a DDT. 

After the match, The Miz – who was on commentary throughout – got up to sarcastically applaud the victory. The two stared each other down, and Axel poses with the IC title to end the segment. 

Backstage, Vince McMahon is talking to Vickie and Maddox and says they are between a rock and a hard place with The Shield. Triple H enters as well as Stephanie, and they talk about things being out of control. They go back and forth telling Vickie who they need to listen to, with Stephanie getting in the last word. Unrest in the McMahon camp, it seems. 

-CM Punk vs. Alberto del Rio

Del Rio is playing the cowardly heel once again, and ends up leaving the match and getting counted out after about ten minutes of Punk controlling the pace of the match. 

Winner: CM Punk via count-out

Afte the match, Dolph Ziggler blindsides the World Champion. The assault continues to the back as officials try and seperate the two, as Dolph is still not medically cleared to be in any kind of action. 

Back in the ring, CM Punk smiles and shrugs his shoulder, taking his victory. Brock Lesnar's music hits, and the big man slowly makes his way to the ring as Punk looks confused. Lesnar gets a mic, but instead of talking he just picks up Punk and drops him with the F5. 

Raw goes off the air with Punk knocked out cold in the middle of the ring, and Lesnar slowly making his way to the back.