WWE Smackdown Results (6/21) – Axel Defends Against Barrett, Jericho vs Alberto, Bryan vs Orton

Renee Young joins Paul Heyman for an interview after a RAW Rebound, and she asks how he was involved in CM Punk's attack and he smiles. He says since they all want to chat about his personal life, she should lead by example and talk about her personal life on television. Heyman asks her about her relationship with her father and breaking up with her fiancee, then he says CM Punk made it clear that he isn't his client anymore. Heyman says anything that goes on between them now is personal, and he will not say anything else, unless she wants to talk about his other clients. He says she can talk to him about Curtis Axel's successful title defense tonight, but that would mean she was actually paying attention to them.

Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

Bryan kicks Orton in the corner a few times, then Orton slams his head into the turnbuckles and drops him with an uppercut. Orton stomps his leg and headbutts him, then he connects with a few more headbutts before Bryan fires back with some kicks. Bryan hits some mounted punches and goes for a suplex, but Orton reverses it and stomps his arms before fighting off a submission attempt. Orton applies a side headlock but Bryan counters with a No Lock attempt, then Orton blocks it and suplexes him onto the top rope. Orton goes to the apron and tries to suplex Bryan outside, but Bryan blocks it punches him so Orton snaps his head on the ropes and successfully suplexes him on the floor. We get back from a break to see Bryan connect with a missile dropkick, then he repeatedly kicks Orton in the corner and hits a running dropkick for two. Bryan tells Orton he's not the weak link, then he kicks him and whips him across the ring, but Orton comes back with a powerslam for two.

Orton lifts Bryan and uppercuts him, then Bryan tries to steal it with a backslide before he repeatedly kicks Orton in the chest and head. Bryan heads up top but Orton crotches him on the ropes, then he punches Bryan in the head and steps up and connects with a superplex for two. Orton throws him on the apron and hits a hanging DDT, then he calls for a RKO but Bryan rolls outside so Orton follows. Orton backdrops him on the barricade and attempts to DDT him from the apron onto the floor, but Bryan blocks it and hits a running knee strike. Bryan rolls back in while Orton is still on the ground, then he hits a suicide dive and pulls himself back in the ring and beats Orton in before the count. Bryan gets pissed and says he won't take a countout win, then he tells the ref to restart the match and starts a yes chant as the ref denies him and Orton looks on.

Winner (by countout) – Daniel Bryan

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