WWE Smackdown Results (6/28) – Dublin Street Fight, The Shield Gets Upset, Alberto’s Fiesta Gets Crashed

The Shield vs Christian & The Usos

Jimmy faces off with Reigns and they fight for position, then they spill outside and we get a standoff between all six men. We get back from a break to see Ambrose distracting the ref, then Reigns steps on his throat in the corner. Reigns stomps him a few times and bodyslams him for a near fall, then he applies a front facelock as Jimmy reaches for a tag. Reigns superman punches Jey off the apron and taunts Christian, then Jimmy turns and slingshots him into the turnbuckles before making a tag. Christian hits Ambrose a few times and connects with a diving elbow, then he calls for the Killswitch but Ambrose counters.

Christian fights back with an inverted DDT, then he calls for a spear but Rollins sweeps his legs from the floor. Ambrose charges him but Christian drop toe holds him into the ropes, then he takes Rollins out on the floor before Ambrose hits a crossbody for a near fall. Ambrose punches him a few times and throws him in the corner, then Christian stuns him with an uppercut and follows it with a tornado DDT for two. Reigns breaks it up but Jimmy kicks him in the face, then he hits a running splash that sends him outside. Jey dives on him before Rollins takes them all out, then Ambrose surveys the damage before turning, and Christian surprises him with a spear and makes the cover.

Winners – Christian & The Usos

A mariachi band is in the ring to begin ‘Fiesta Del Rio’, then Ricardo Rodriguez tries to welcome Alberto Del Rio to the ring. He stops and mocks the crowd for their lack of respect and Southern accent, then he does his traditional announcement as Alberto walks to the ring. Alberto says they will celebrate his victory at Payback, and they celebrate getting his title back to make him a four-time world champion. He says they might not understand, but he is going to make WWE turn on the closed captions and do things his way, which is speaking Spanish, then he cuts a promo while the crowd chants ‘USA’ at him. (Cont'd…)