Will Vince McMahon Wrestle at WrestleMania 30?, Current Opponent For Big E. Langston at SummerSlam

Vince McMahonSource: F4WOnline.com

Current Opponent for Big E. Langston at SummerSlam

Current creative plans call for Dolph Ziggler to face Big E. Langston at SummerSlam this year. WWE had previously discussed Langston vs Mark Henry in a battle of the big man match, but those plans seemed to have changed.

Will Vince McMahon Wrestle at WrestleMania 30?

As we have been reporting, the current McMahon family story line on Raw is expected to culminate at WrestleMania 30, however Vince McMahon is not expected to wrestle. Instead he is expected to have a surrogate wrestle participate in the match for him.

Triple H is expected to wrestle at the big PPV, and while Stephanie McMahon is currently being featured in the story line, it is expected that her presence will be scaled back after SummerSlam so the focus can be on Vince and Triple H.


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