WWE Smackdown Results (8/9) – RVD vs Orton, Lesnar Interview, Christian Continues His Winning Ways

    Christian vs Alberto Del Rio (Non-Title Match)

    Alberto punches Christian in the back and puts him in a headlock, then Christian sends him into the ropes but Alberto hits a shoulder block. He taunts Christian before asking for a test of strength, but he instead kicks Christian and sends him into the ropes, only to have Christian shoulder block him. Christian knocks him down and hiptosses him, then he applies a side headlock but Alberto whips him into the corner and takes him down with a snapmare. Alberto kicks him in the face and but Christian throws him outside, then he dropkicks him through the ropes as we cut to a break.

    We get back to see Christian hit some mounted punches in the corner, then he goes for a tornado DDT but Alberto shoves him back and kicks him. Alberto goes for a corner kick but Christian avoids it, then Alberto slides outside and tries to use the ringpost but Christian kicks him back. Christian goes for a top rope crossbody to the floor, but Alberto dives away and Christian ends up crashing into the barricade. Alberto rolls him back in and goes for a cover, but he only gets two so he applies a headlock, only to have Christian break it with some body punches. Christian hits the ropes and kicks Alberto, then he runs at him but Alberto flapjacks him and kicks him in the chest.

    Christian rolls to the apron so Alberto kicks him in the head, then he laughs at the fans' chants before kicking Christian in the corner. Alberto taunts Christian and slaps him, then the ref backs him away but Christian answers with a slap and heads to the top rope. Alberto cuts him off and punches him, but Christian fights back and shoves him back, and they both crash to the floor as we go to a break. We get back to see Alberto hit a middle rope dropkick for two, then he applies an armbar over the ropes but the ref calls for the break at the five count. (Cont'd…)