WWE RAW Results (8/12) Bryan/Cena Face Off, New US/Tag Title Contenders Named, Does Punk Get Even With Heyman?

Fandango (w/ Summer Rae) vs R-Truth

Fandango and Truth have a brief dance off, then Fandango attacks Truth from behind but Truth turns the tables and knocks him out of the ring. Truth calls him to get back it, but Fandango grabs a mic and pronounces his name correctly, then Summer Rae helps him up and leaves.

Result – No Contest

20 Man #1 Contender's Battle Royal (United States Championship)

Everybody attacks each other and Ryback makes two quick eliminations, then he slugs it out with Tensai until he ducks a clothesline and sends Tensai outside. Cesaro nearly takes Titus' head off with an uppercut, then 3MB teams up to eliminate Jimmy Uso while RVD goes after Ryback near the ropes. The fights end up in the corners and Drew tries to eliminate Kofi, but he holds the ropes and slides back in before Ryback goes after him. Kofi hits him several times while Khali chops Wade in the corner, then Truth throws Fandango outside but Fandango runs back in and throws him outside.

We get back from a break to see Titus try to throw RVD out, but RVD blocks it and clotheslines him outside before he goes after Wade in the corner. Kofi tries to eliminate Swagger and Cesaro, then Swagger throws him outside but Kofi somersaults over Cesaro and uses him to essentially kip back up. Kofi sends Swagger back and gets back in, but Swagger grabs him and finally eliminates him before they team up on Mark Henry in the corner. They lift him up but Henry elbows them and shoves them over the ropes, then he clotheslines Wade and throws him headfirst over the ropes. (Cont'd…)