WWE Smackdown Results (8/16) – Big Show In Ring Return, Christian vs Sandow, Bryan vs Barrett No DQ

Renee Young joins Ryback for an his thoughts on being left off of the Summerslam card, and she asks if it's because he's been so brutal to opponents lately. Ryback mocks her and says that he lives for brutality, but she's right that people fear him, then he looks off camera and harasses a crew member. Ryback bullies him and asks what he's staring at, then the guy looks away but Ryback knees him and throws him into a table. He stands there and laughs as crew members run to check on him, then Ryback tells Renee he thinks people are scared of him and laughs as he walks away.

The Shield vs Rob Van Dam, Mark Henry & Big Show

Henry shoves Rollins into the corner and throws him across the ring, then RVD hits a top rope kick and monkey flips Rollins before hitting a standing moonsault. RVD whips him into the ropes but doesn't see the blind tag, and Ambrose hits him from behind and stomps him before Reigns comes in and goes for a quick pin. He scoop slams him and gets another pin attempt, then he applies a headlock but RVD makes it up and kicks him in the face. RVD tags Big Show as Ambrose comes in, and Show clotheslines him and whips him into the ropes before backdropping him. Show throws Rollins outside and splashes Ambrose, then he hits the ropes but Reigns pulls the ropes down and sends Show to the floor. Henry throws Reigns into the barricade as Rollins takes him down with a somersault dive over the ropes, then the ref starts a count but he makes it in at nine. Ambrose goes for a DDT but Show throws him back, then he catches him with a Knockout Punch and tags RVD, who hits a Five Star Frog Splash for the win. 

Winners – Rob Van Dam, Mark Henry & Big Show

The Miz vs Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter & Antonio Cesaro)

Swagger charges Miz and hits him in the corner, then Miz hits some mounted punches and kicks Swagger in the face. Miz hits the ropes and kicks his leg, then he knees him in the back before Swagger knocks him down and whips him into the corner. Swagger splashes him and drops him with a clothesline, then he does some pushes and hits a shoulder block before hitting a second. Swagger hits the ropes again but Miz counters with a neckbreaker/backbreaker combo, then he hits Swagger a few times and hits a swinging DDT for a near fall. Miz misses a kick to the head and Swagger tries to powerslam him, but Miz counters with a corner clothesline before Cesaro tries to interfere. Swagger hits Miz from behind but the ref throws Cesaro out of there, then Zeb flips out and throws his jacket so the ref throws both of them out. Swagger screams at the ref before going back after Miz, but Miz surprises him with a quick rollup and steals the win, watching the Real Americans scream at him as he celebrates.

Winner – The Miz


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