Maria Menounos

Another Fan Perspective on the Crowd’s Reaction to SSlam Ending, NY Daily News Covers Maria Menounos at Axxess

The New York Daily News has published an article on Maria Menounos competing in a match at WWE Summerslam Axxess yesterday in Los Angeles. Menounos teamed with Natalya to defeat Brie Bella & Eva Marie, and you can check out the NY Daily News piece by clicking here.

Another Fan Perspective on the Crowd’s Reaction to SSlam Ending

Earlier we reported that one fan in attendance described the mood in The Staples Center as “deflated” when Randy Orton took the WWE Title from Daniel Bryan at the end of SummerSlam, however we have received word from another fan in attendance that was not really the case. We were told:

The crowd was electric when Daniel Bryan won, but lots of cheers with Orton coming out and cashing in. I think people appreciated his heel turn. Lots of “Cena Sucks” and “You can’t wrestle” chants during the match.

I was surprised how many people cheered for Orton since they were just cheering Bryan. I don’t think people I saw were deflated.


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