RVD Talks Working SummerSlam Pre-Show, Returning To WWE

Rob Van DamRob Van Dam updated his audio blog this week, addressing being back in the WWE and working the pre-show at SummerSlam on Sunday. 

On being back in the WWE:

"It's good to be back in WWE where the best of the best are and the wrestling caliber here is so much higher than everywhere else I've ever been." 

On working the SummerSlam pre-show:

"It gives the fans something else to b*tch about…'dude, you don't have a match on SummerSlam. That sucks.' It went from that to, 'Dude, RVD and Dean Ambrose are in the pre-show? What the f*ck?' Not saying I blame you. Sometimes you just say it so I don't have to, but whatever…it's a J-O-B, and I know the fans don't remember it's a J-O-B, and the evidence is in a tweet like this: 'Rob, next to wrestling, what's your favorite thing to do?' You mean next to working — what's my favorite thing to do? Next to my job? Uh, how about not working?"


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