Impact Wrestling Results (8/22) – Bully’s Surprise, Main Event Mafia vs Aces & Eights, Loser Leaves TNA

Bully Ray comes to the ring with Tito Ortiz and says it sounds like the fans are happy to see him, then he asks how it feels to be outsmarted again. He says he suckered them all again, then he asks if they know who he is and says he is the champion, and they should notice he didn't say two time champ. Bully says he won't recognize Sabin's win because it was a fluke, then he says he beat himself, and Sabin didn't win anything. Bully introduces his friend Tito, and he says he already knocked Rampage out once, and he's going to do it one more time on November 2nd.

Bully says it's time for another shock, then he tells the love of his life to come down there, and Brooke Hogan's music plays but she doesn't come out. Brooke Tessmacher instead meets him in the ring, then she grabs him and they make out in the center of the ring before Bully says they got them all. Bully says he has the hot Brooke with him, and he has Tito and Tazz with him, so there's no one out there who can stop him. Bully says there's one thing left to do, then Brooke rips off Bully's wedding ring and throws it to the ground before they celebrate together.

Gail Kim vs ODB

ODB ties up with Gail and throws her across the ring, then Gail gets pissed after it happens again and tries to go for a waistlock. ODB throws her into the corner and splashes her, then she hits a Bronco Buster and follows with a pin attempt for two. She whips Gail and hits a fallaway slam before Gail rolls outside, then ODB chases her around the ring and Gail surprises her with a diving armbar in the ring. Gail attacks her arm in the corner, then ODB kicks her and goes up top but Gail hits a shoulder breaker for a near fall. Gail puts her in a hammerlock and tries to jump on her arm, but ODB hits her in the crotch and hiptosses her before hitting some clotheslines. ODB kicks her in the face and smashes her face on the turnbuckles, then she hits a Thesz press before she hits a superplex. ODB lands on her shoulder but makes a pin attempt, then she swings at Gail but Gail ducks and gets a crucifix pin for the win.

Winner – Gail Kim


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