8/26 WWE Raw Results: New Contender For World Heavyweight Championship, Punk and Heyman Get Physical, and Bryan Runs The Gauntlet

Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins

Daniel Bryan starts off the Gauntlet Match with Seth Rollins. Before the match, Renee Young tries to talk to Big Show about what happened to him last week. Big Show does not speak. She tries the same thing with Ziggler and he says nothing. The Miz begins to talk and stop. The match begins and Bryan kicks Rollins into the corner. He locks in a surfboard stretch and adds a neck hold submission move. Rollins breaks up the submission move and gets multiple kicks in return. Bryan hits a running knee to Rollins and clotheslines him to the outside. Rollins shoves Bryan into the barricade and head first off the apron. Rollins throws Bryan back into the ring and begins to work him over in the corner. Bryan fights back with closed fists and gets whipped into the corner. He flies over the top and hits a clothesline to gain the upper hand. He begins to kick down Rollins on his knees and grabs him by the hair. Bryan gets tangled up on the top rope. Rollins tries to hit his knees to the face of Bryan, but Bryan reversed it into a half crab. Bryan flies to the outside and rams himself into Rollins. We head to a commercial break.

We come back from break with Rollins in control. Rollins rams his elbow into the face of Bryan, but Bryan hits a kick to the face. Bryan gets the energy from the crowd and exchanges blows back and forth. Bryan gets the better of Rollins and reverses a pinfall back and forth. Rollins hits a spinning kick to the head and a beautiful release type suplex for a two count. Both men head to the top and Bryan pushes Rollins and hits a german suplex and Rollins takes a huge bump. He pins Rollins. Here comes Ambrose and Ambrose gets DQ'ed thanks to Roman Reigns interfering. The Shield ends up beating down Daniel Bryan and Reigns hits a spear on him. Triple H's music hits and out comes The Game. He nods to The Shield and they hit a Triple Powerbomb. Triple H looks around at the superstars on the ramp and Randy Orton's music hits. The WWE Champion comes out and stands next to Triple H. The Game taps Orton on the chest and Orton heads to the ring. The Shield picks up Bryan from the mat for Randy Orton to hit an RKO. Big Show is seen staring at Triple H and the crowd cheers his name. They cut to faces of The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, and other superstars. Orton walks up the ramp and poses with his WWE Championship and walks out with Triple H. The Shield is seen standing over Bryan as WWE Raw goes off the air.

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