WWE Smackdown Results (9/6) – HHH Holds ‘Town Meeting’, RVD vs Orton, Bryan Picks His Opponent

Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter) vs The Usos

Cesaro charges Jimmy and dropkicks him, then he throws him outside and tags Swagger, who tackles Jimmy on the floor before throwing him into the turnbuckles. Swagger tags out as he hits a Swagger Bomb, then Cesaro leapfrogs Swagger and double stomps Jimmy before they trade a few chops. Swagger assists him in hitting a double side slam for two, then he puts him in a double chicken wing but Jimmy breaks it and elbows him in the face. They both make tags and Jey backdrops Cesaro outside, then he splashes him on the floor and hits a crossbody before Swagger breaks up the pin. Jey kicks him but Cesaro tries to steal a pin, then Jey hits a thrust kick and goes up top, only to have Swagger throw him off the turnbuckle and Cesaro uppercuts him for the win.

Winners – Real Americans

Big Show vs 3MB 

Show throws Slater on the mat and tosses Drew and Jinder off the apron, then he whips Drew into the barricade and slams Jinder into the ring apron. Show slams Jinder's head into the broadcast table, then he chops him a few times before spearing Drew on the floor and kneeing him in the face. He throws them all back in the ring and chokeslams Drew and Jinder, then Slater tries to escape but Show picks him up and hits a Knockout Punch for the win.

Winner – Big Show

Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

Reigns acts like he will be the opponent but Rollins kicks Bryan from behind, then he whips him into the ropes but Bryan knees him in the chest. Bryan kicks him several times and whips him into the ropes, and Rollins hangs on but Bryan clotheslines him out to the floor and follows him. Reigns and Ambrose walk towards him so Bryan rolls Rollins right back in, then Rollins throws Bryan on the floor and kicks him in the face. Rollins puts him in a headlock but Bryan elbows out of it, then they trade a few punches but Bryan gains control and takes Rollins down with a release German suplex. Bryan hits a running corner dropkick and a missile dropkick for two, then Rollins ducks another kick but Bryan snaps his head on the ropes. Bryan goes up top but Rollins sends him to the floor, then Reigns tackles Bryan on the floor while Rollins distracts the ref. Rollins heads up top but Bryan catches him on the way down, then he applies the YES Lock but releases and dropkicks Ambrose and Reigns when they try to interfere. Rollins tries to whip him but Bryan ducks and takes Reigns out with a suicide dive, then he gets back in and kicks Rollins and knees him in the face for the win. Bryan runs from The Shield and celebrates on the ramp, but Randy Orton comes out and attacks him from behind and raises his title over Bryan as the show ends.

Winner – Daniel Bryan

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