WWE RAW Results (9/9) – HHH Kicks Edge Out, Santino Returns, Goldust vs Orton, Bryan vs Ambrose

Damien Sandow vs The Miz

Miz attacks Sandow and hits a corner clothesline, then he connects with a double axe handle smash for two before hitting the ropes and trying to kick Sandow in the head. Sandow ducks and trips Miz up on the ropes, then he punches him a few times before kneeing him in the head and hitting a side Russian legsweep. Sandow hits the Elbow of Disdain for two, then he applies a side headlockbut Miz fights out and hits a kneelift and a big boot. Miz goes for a corner clothesline but Sandow blocks it, then Miz ties him in the ropes and dropkicks his knee as Fandango cuts them off. Fandango dances around the stage and distracts Miz, then Sandow steals it with a rollup and Fandango announces himself before leaving.

Winner – Damien Sandow

Renee Young asks Goldust for his thoughts on tonight's return, and Goldust says he messed up a lot, but Cody has chosen to live his life the right way. He says he's had many chances to be here, but Cody getting fired is plain wrong, and it's just another example of Triple H throwing his weight around. Goldust says he is going to make things right and give Cody a second chance, and he's tired of HHH disrepecting his family's name. He goes to say that they'll never forget the name of… but HHH cuts him off and says it's been awhile since he saw him and wants to wish him luck. HHH says Cody and his bride are watching at home, and tonight's match could be really big, then he tells Goldust he'd better not screw up and walks away.

Randy Orton vs Goldust

Goldust goes right after Orton and punches him in the corner, then Orton whips him but Goldust kicks him in the face and throws him in the corner. They trade several punches before Goldust hits a shoulder block, then Orton rolls outside and Goldust screams at him to get back in the ring. Orton asks for a test of strength but kicks him in the stomach instead, then he chokes Goldust on the ropes and whips him to set up a dropkick. Goldust holds the ropes and Orton hits the mat, then Goldust throws him in the corner and chops him a few times until Orton rakes his eyes. Orton hits some mounted punches in the corner then whips him, but Goldust counters a powerslam with a rollup before setting up for Shattered Dreams. Orton rolls outside to avoid it as we go to a break, then we get back to see Goldust fight out of a headlock, and he kicks Orton in the head before Orton goes back outside. (Cont'd…)