Flashback: 2013 TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/20): AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray for the World Title, Kurt Angle No-Sells the Hall of Fame & More

“The Icon” Sting is here, and looking dressed up. He talks about being put into the Hall of Fame, and what an honor it was. Sting introduces the newest member of the TNA Hall of Fame…Kurt Angle. Kurt thanks the fans and Sting for the welcome. Sting gives him a box with a watch in it, and they mark the official induction of Kurt Angle into the Hall of Fame.

Kurt takes a moment and says the truth is, he has let himself and his family down, by not living up to his potential. He says he hasn’t lived up to the standard that Sting has set, and he refuses induction into the Hall of Fame here tonight. Kurt hugs Sting and tells the crowd he’ll set a new standard, and he will join Sting in the Hall of Fame when he feels he does deserve it. 


ODB with the Bronco Buster on Brooke, but Gail Kim breaks it up. Brooke throws Gail from the ring and hits a face plant on ODB for a close two-count. There’s a fight to the outside and Gail locks in the Figure Four across a ring post on Brooke. She breaks the hold and tries to re-apply the move in the ring, but ODB comes out of the corner and knocks her down. Brooke back to her feet with knife-edge chops, followed by a roll-up for two. All three fight up to the top turnbuckle, but ODB gets knocked down. Gail with a huge missile dropkick taking down the champ, and Brooke follows up with a top rope elbow drop. 

ODB accidentally splashes the referee in the corner. Gail goes for a running dropkick, but ODB moves she dropkicks the referee. This brings out Lei’d Tapa – and her pretty awesome entrance music – and ODB takes a drink of some whisky for the hell of it. ODB and Lei’d brawl on the entrance ramp, but Tapa takes her down with a big boot. Brooke comes off the top rope and Tapa catches her, hitting a powerbomb into the ring. Gail Kim with the cover. 1…2…3.


After the match, Lei’d Tapa threatens to hit Gail with the title belt, but instead gives her the championship and the two celebrate together. 


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