Flashback: 2013 TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/20): AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray for the World Title, Kurt Angle No-Sells the Hall of Fame & More

Backstage, Bully Ray is talking to…possibly nobody in the bathroom. He plays up like he’s talking to the former members of Bound for Glory, but the camera doesn’t actually show anybody. 


Derrick Bateman is here! 

Ethan’s opponent is a local jobber from San Diego named Norv. EC3 with an arm drag, followed by a flurry of rights and lefts in the corner. The crowd turns on him pretty quickly, then just gets quiet. Carter with a beautiful T-Bone Suplex. He locks in a side headlock as the fans chant “boring”. Norv tries for a couple right hands, and fires back with a dropkick. He comes off the top rope with a flying crossbody, but only gets a two-count. EC3 with a Headlock Driver for the 1-2-3. 



Sting wins the first lock-up, throwing Magnus from the ring. He holds down the second rope and welcomes his opponent back in. Magnus wins the second lock-up, and the same thing happens with Sting. Magnus takes a cheap shot with a big right hand. The Brit locks in a leg scissors on the mat, until Sting gets to the ropes. Sting with a big back body drop on Magnus, finding some momentum and taking him down with a Stinger Splash in the corner. The Scorpion Death Lock is hooked in, but Magnus gets out of it. Sting fires away with knife-edge chops, but Magnus no-sells them and “Hulks up”, before hitting Sting with the Stinger Splash. 

Magnus sets in with right hands of his own, and Sting then no-sells them and locks in the Scorpion Death Lock for the second time. Magnus makes it to the bottom rope forcing the break. The Icon tries for another Stinger Splash, but The Brit catches him with an uppercut and hits the Scorpion Death Drop! Magnus up to the top rope, and comes down with a flying elbow for a very close two-count. He tries for it again, but Sting rolls out of the way. Sting tries for the Death Drop, but Magnus holds on to the ropes and lays in a few rolling elbows. Sting falls on his face ala Ric Flair and the crowd erupts into a chorus of “Wooo!” 

Magnus locks in the Scorpion Death Lock, and Sting taps out. 


After the match, Sting gets back up and extends his hand to Sting. Magnus shakes his hand, but completely blows him off and leaves on his own. No respect.