WWE RAW Results (10/21) Bryan vs Ambrose, Langston Teams With Punk, Bryan/Orton Contract Signing

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
October 21st 2013

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out to talk about Hell In A Cell, then Stephanie says they are guaranteed a winner in the WWE Championship match. HHH says he likes Shawn Michaels being chosen as a referee because he respects him, but Big Show cuts him off and screams at him from the Titantron. Show says HHH just steps on people and bullies them, then Stephanie tries to cut the feed as HHH tells him he never amounted to anything in his career. He says Show wants a handout just like everyone else, but Show says HHH is pissed because he is suing him for a number of things. Stephanie tells Show to stop, but Show tells her to shut up and talks about all of the things they took from him until they get the video feed to cut off. HHH says he wants to get things moving and introduces Dean Ambrose for a match, but Daniel Bryan comes out first and starts a YES chant, which they do not seem happy about.

Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Ambrose and Bryan fight for position and trade some chops in the corner, then Bryan knees him in the chest and gets a near fall before applying an elevated wristlock. He transitions into a hammerlock but Ambrose elbows out, then Bryan knees him and snaps his arm down over his shoulder. Bryan snaps Ambrose's arm again and stomps him, then he kicks him in the corner before Ambrose gets him on the mat and kicks him. Ambrose punches him a few times before Bryan knocks him outside, then he goes for a running knee but Ambrose avoids it and punches him in the back of the head. We get back from a break to see Bryan fight out of a headlock but Ambrose applies a choke hold, then Bryan breaks that so Ambrose hits a side suplex.

Ambrose gets a near fall before putting Bryan in a legscissors, then Bryan counters with a surfboard stretch and transitions to an inverted chinlock, but Ambrose pokes his eyes to get out. Ambrose pulls Bryan up on the apron and kicks him a few times, then they trade some punches before Bryan slams his head into the turnbuckles. Bryan heads up top but Ambrose punches him and hits a suplex, then he applies a headlock but Bryan counters with a backslide pin attempt for two. They both get up and hit the ropes, colliding in midair, then Bryan gets up and hits a clothesline and follows with a hurricanrana for two. Ambrose comes back with a spinebuster for two, then he runs towards Bryan but he gets backdropped and Bryan heads up top. Bryan connects with a missile dropkick and some kicks to the chest, then Ambrose ducks one and goes for a rollup but Bryan counters with a YES Lock for the win.

Winner – Daniel Bryan


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