TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/24) – Ken Anderson Returns, AJ Styles Walks Out?

We get back from a break to see Anderson still standing in the ring, and he says he missed them all, and it sounds like they all missed him too. Anderson says he really missed Bully, then he shows that his neck is feeling pretty good and he's been paying attention while he's been home. He says everyone is sick of Bully so he wants to do something about it, but Dixie comes back out and says he's not supposed to be here. Dixie says security will handcuff him and make him leave, but Anderson says it's been awhile since he had some fun. He knocks one of them out before waiting for the others, but he rethinks it and allows himself to be handcuffed and escorted out of the building.

Gail Kim & Brooke Tessmacher (w/ Lei'D Tapa) vs Velvet Sky & ODB

ODB pulls Brooke in the ring and throws her in the corner, hitting a Bronco Buster and pulling Gail's hair after Brooke rolls outside. Brooke hits ODB from behind and taunts her, then she chokes her on the ropes and stomps her before hitting her in the corner. Brooke goes for some mounted punches but ODB slams her on the mat, then they both tag out and Velvet hits Gail with a few clotheslines and a headscissors takedown. Vlevet kicks her a few times and hits a facebuster, but Brooke breaks the pin up and ODB jumps in and tackles her to the floor. They fight on the ground while Gail goes for a chair, and the ref stops her but Tapa superkicks Velvet behind his back and Gail makes the cover.

Winners – Gail Kim & Brooke Tessmacher

Ethan Carter III vs Dewey Barnes

Ethan takes Barnes down with a waistlock, then they reverse each other's waistlocks before Ethan gets pissed and punches him in the corner. Ethan hiptosses him and hits a big boot in the corner, then he taunts the crowd but Barnes makes a comeback with some jabs and a forearm. Barnes heads up top and connects with a missile dropkick for two, then he hits the ropes but Ethan hits a headlock driver for the win.

Winner – Ethan Carter III


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