WWE RAW Results (12/23) – RAW Christmas, Battle Of The Santas

Battle of the Santas

Mark Henry (Good Santa) vs Damien Sandow (Bad Santa)

Henry shoves Sandow's face in a toilet (yes, a toilet in the ring), then Sandow tries to spray Henry with a fire extinguisher but Henry blocks it. Henry sprays him with it and knocks him down, then Sandow hits him with a candy Singapore cane but Henry grabs it and breaks it. He throws Sandow down the ramp and into a tree, then Sandow stomps him a few times and tries to use the fire extinguisher again. Henry kicks him in the face and sprays him with it, then he hits a World's Strongest Slam for the win and smashes some holiday cupcakes in Sandow's face.

Winner – Mark Henry

CM Punk says The Shield is trying to ruin Christmas, and he never asks for help but he made a list and got some backup for tonight. He says Santa just saved Christmas and he delivered him two great partners, then Big E Langston walks over and says he is delivering beatings this Christmas. John Cena walks in and says they are going to give The Shield everything they want, and he says Reigns is begging for a Big Ending this season. He says Rollins wants an Attitude Adjustment, and Ambrose wants to Go To Sleep, then they all bump fists and Langston tells them to believe in that.

Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Los Matadores (w/ El Torito)

Cesaro whips Diego and taunts him, then he whips him again but Diego floats over and elbows him before going for a hurricanrana. Cesaro catches his legs and puts him in the Giant Swing, then Fernando helps Diego up on the floor and trade positions behind the ref's back. Cesaro doesn't notice and rolls Fernando back in, then Fernando tries to roll him up but Swagger breaks it up before Fernanado splashes Cesaro on the floor. Diego hits Swagger with a senton, then he takes him down with a hurricanrana and a splash near the ropes. Cesaro throws Fernando into the barricade and Torito gores Cesaro, then Diego uses the distraction to hit Swagger with a crossbody for the win.

Winners – Los Matadores