WWE RAW Results (12/30) – Brock Returns, Daniel Bryan Joins The Wyatt Family?

Brodus Clay vs R-Truth (w/ Xavier Woods & The Funkadactyls)

Brodus slams Truth in the corner and punches him a few times, then he shoves Truth back and slams him down before punching him in the chest. Brodus steps on his back and hits an exploder suplex, then he slams him chest first in the corner and hits a few kidney punches. He whips Truth across the ring and splashes him, then he puts him in a cruficix rack position before hitting an elbow drop and another splash. Brodus splashes him one more time and sets up for another, but Woods jumps on the commentary table and dances, with Truth hitting a diving DDT off of the distraction to pick up the win.

Winner – R-Truth

Triple H comes to the ring and says 2014 will be unlike anything they've seen before, then HHH introduces Brock Lesnar and welcomes him to the ring. Lesnar and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring and HHH shakes Heyman's hand, then he has a brief staredown with Brock before offering a handshake. Brock obliges and HHH leaves, then Heyman says the beast is back and he's going to tell them why Brock is back. He says Brock isn't here for an old grudge or to settle the score for an attack on himself, but Brock is here for business, and he wants to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Heyman says the winner of the Royal Rumble WWE Championship match will have to deal with Brock, then Brock says he doesn't care who wins, and he's not winning a Royal Rumble because the line starts with him. Brock dares anyone to come stop him, then Heyman says there won't be anyone to do that, but Mark Henry cuts them off and walks to the ring. Brock hits Henry in between the ropes and sends him to the floor, then Henry whips him over the barricade but Brock spears him through the other side of it. Brock picks him up and hits a F-5 on the floor, then Heyman tells him that is enough and they leave as Henry is attended to by trainers.