WWE Considering Brand New Idea for the 2014 Hall of Fame?

WWE Hall of FameSource: PWInsider

According to a new report, WWE is considering inducting the first ever match into the Hall of Fame in 2014. The idea would be to induct everyone involved with the very first WrestleMania main event – something that has never been done before.

Hulk Hogan teamed up with Mr. T to take on Roddy Piper and Paul Orndoff in the very first headlining act at WrestleMania in 1985. The match was a huge spectacle that also included Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and "Cowboy" Bob Orton in opposite corners, as well as legendary boxer Muhammad Ali and Pat Patterson as officials. It is unknown at this point who WWE would look to induct, whether it would just be the four men actually wrestling the match, the managers or if it truly would be everyone involved. 

It's being said that with WWE inducting so many legends each year, this would give them a lot more content to work with in the future, as high-profile names become harder to book for the anticipated annual event. 

At this point, The Ultimate Warrior is the only announced name for the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame. There has been a lot of talk about inducting Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and possibly an unknown tag team. Some internally, including CM Punk, are pushing for the much-desired induction of "Macho Man" Randy Savage. 


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