WWE RAW Results (2/10) – Bryan Gets ‘Night Off’, Ambrose Defends Title, Orton vs Cena

Sheamus & Christian vs Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter)

Christian uppercuts Swagger and avoids a splash, then he hits a dropkick for two before Sheamus tags in and Cesaro uppercuts him in the corner. Cesaro goes for a hiptoss but Sheamus clotheslines him, then they trade several uppercuts before Sheamus punches him in the head and whips him. Sheamus hits a Battering Ram for two, then Cesaro throws him outside and Swagger kicks him in the head. We get back from a break to see Sheamus hit an Irish Curse backbreaker, then Christian tags in and hits Cesaro before getting a springboard sunset flip for two. Christian connects with a rolling elbow and sets up Killswitch, but Cesaro backdrops him into the corner and follows with a very European uppercut for two. Cesaro kicks him and tags Swagger, who slingshots Christian into the bottom rope before applying a grounded front facelock.

Christian kicks him and dives for a tag, but Swagger pulls him into the corner and hits a Swagger Bomb before Cesaro follows with a double stomp for two. Christian uppercuts Swagger on the apron but Cesaro gets him in the Giant Swing, then Christian ends up on the floor and the ref starts a count. He makes it back in at nine so Cesaro goes for a near fall, then he slingshots Christian into Swagger, who hits a reverse slam for two. Christian backdrops Swagger over the ropes before making the tag, and Sheamus tackles Swagger in the corner and hits a running knee and a rolling fireman's carry slam. Sheamus clubs Swagger on the apron and powerslams him, then he calls for a Brogue Kick but Cesaro runs in and uppercuts him before trying to throw him outside. Sheamus reverses it and clubs him on the apron, then Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock but Christian breaks it up and Sheamus Brogue Kicks Swagger for the win.

Winners – Sheamus & Christian

John Cena is backstage with Renee Young and he says Randy Orton and himself have been dominant in the past, but the fans want change. He says there is plenty of change going on, and they launch the WWE Network and look toward the future with all of the new stars. Cena says he will close his rivalry with Orton tonight with a statement, and if anyone thinks they can step up, they'll have to go through him first.


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