WWE RAW Results (2/17) – Cena vs Cesaro, Orton Finishes Gauntlet, Shield/Wyatts Brawl

Christian hits the ropes but Bryan throws him outside, then Bryan connects with a suicide dive but also hits the barricade with his shoulder. We get back from a break to see Bryan connect with a few kicks for a near fall, then he goes for a diving headbutt but Christian gets his knees up. Christian wraps Bryan's arm around the ropes and punches him, then he charges the corner but Bryan ducks and kicks him a few times. Bryan hits a running dropkick, then he goes for a second but Christian kicks him in the face and hits a diving elbow. He calls for the Killswitch but Bryan counters with a YES Lock, only to have Christian counter and shove him into the turnbuckles. Christian goes for another Killswitch, but Bryan counters and rolls him up and wins it.

Winner – Daniel Bryan

Kane congratulates Bryan for his win, but he neglected to tell him that he has one more match tonight… against him. Bryan goes right at Kane but Kane throws him across the ring, then he shoves him outside and the ref checks on Bryan as we go to a break.

Daniel Bryan vs Kane

We join the match in progress and see Kane stomp Bryan a few times, then he sends him to the apron and hits a suplex for a near fall. Kane hits him in the corner but Bryan snaps his head on the ropes, then he connects with a missile dropkick and several kicks to the chest. Kane grabs him by the throat and launches him to the floor, then he whips him shoulder first into the barricade and punches him a few times. He wraps Bryan's arm around the ringpost and puts him in a chinlock, and the ref tells him to break but he refuses. The ref calls for the bell after the five count, but Kane continues the attack and whips Bryan into the steps and kicks him before leaving.

Winner (by disqualification) – Daniel Bryan

The Shield joins Renee Young backstage, and she asks Roman Reigns about his match with Mark Henry tonight, but Ambrose says he's surprised Henry showed up. Reigns says Ambrose lost, but Ambrose says he softened Henry up for him and they start to bicker. Rollins says they are always on the same page, then they say the Wyatts' fear is an allusion, and it has no effect on them, so they can believe in that.


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