Rumor Killer on Vince/UK Soccer Team, Mr. Anderson Speaks on Casket Match (Video), Pete Gas Agrees with Punk

Rumor Killer on Vince/UK Soccer Team

Yesterday, the UK based website reported that Vince McMahon has once again expressed interest in buying the Newcastle United Football Club, and that initial talks had begun regarding the purchase of the team. is reporting there is no truth to the rumor, and neither Vince nor WWE has any interest in purchasing the team.

Anderson Speaks on Casket Match

The following is the latest Impact365 video featuring Mr. Anderson speaking on his recent casket match against Bully Ray:

Pete Gas Agrees with CM Punk

During a recent interview with "The Shoot," former WWE star Pete Gas had the following to say regarding the CM Punk WWE situation:

"I completely agree with this guy [CM Punk]. As much as I love the McMahon family, and listen I understand why they do it. WrestleMania is their Super Bowl, they try to get as many buys as they can and i get all that. You want to have the big names. His comments about him breaking his ass, Daniel Bryan breaking his ass. These guys are there every single night getting it done. I understand where he's coming from. He always wanted to be the main eventer at WrestleMania. But so does every other f–king guy in that locker room. I understand his point where he says I'm the one here and then they bring in The Rock for a couple of months and then he goes back to make another movie. I get all that. It's a controversial topic and I can understand both sides of it."


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