HHH Conducts NXT Arrival & Performance Center Conference Call: Praises Cesaro/Zayn, Talks Arrival Special Details, How Developmental Works, What Happens When Vince is Done?, The Future of NXT & How Developmental Has Changed with the Launch of the Performance Center, More

Triple H was asked how the developmental system has changed from before he took it over, and HHH referred to it previously being WWE's "worst kept secret." He noted that the developmental system was often brushed to the side, but with the WWE Performance Center, developmental has now been given worldwide exposure, which is essential in WWE's quest to acquire talent from all over the world and who have different backgrounds in and out of pro wrestling. Triple H is looking for the best athletes in the world to come to NXT, so the Performance Center gives them the opportunity to harvest those athletes.

As for his role in the creative process in NXT, HHH said that he enjoys the behind the scenes process just as much as he does performing in the ring, and he noted he felt like a "giddy dad" when he watched The Shield vs The Wyatts on PPV the other night, as he loves both sides of the pro wrestling process. He emphasized that his role in NXT creative is to match up the creative process to what is being done on Raw and Smackdown so that the NXT talents can make a smooth transition from developmental to the main roster. As for his specific role in NXT, HHH said that he oversees and develops the developmental product, and does the best he can to make sure the developmental process syncs with the main roster process.

As for the difference between NXT and what you see on Raw and Smackdown, HHH emphasized the importance of talent slowing down in the ring, and remembering that the goal is to learn the art of good story telling. He related cramming a bunch of high risk moves into a match to that of special effects in a movie. You can have all the special effects you want, but if the story is no good then the movie will tank. HHH described NXT as a "throw back to a simpler time" in wrestling.

As for the coaches and trainers in WWE and NXT, HHH noted three specifically. He praised Norman Smiley as a guy who is excellent at training beginning level talent and getting them ready for the next step, and he then praised guys like Terry Taylor and Pat Patterson for having the ability to put the finishing touches on intermediate and advanced level talents.

When asked how he will go about running things if he ever takes over WWE, HHH joked that Vince McMahon is going to live forever. He said hopefully it's a long time before him taking over becomes a factor, but he will deal with it when it comes. HHH said he has been a fan since he was five years old, it's his passion and life's work, and he wants to deliver a great product.

Triple H closed the call by saying that he hopes the success of the WWE Network will allow the NXT talents to gain more exposure, and work more in front of a live crowd. When asked if there are plans to hold more NXT live specials, HHH noted that it would be great to see NXT hold a few a year, or maybe hold quarterly live shows, but that all depends on the success of the weekly NXT shows and the WWE Network.


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