TNA Hyping a Former Champion to Return Tonight on Impact Wrestling

tna focusing on new is hyping breaking news – a former TNA Knockouts Champion is set to make her return on tonight's live edition of Impact Wrestling. 

The following is a list of former TNA Knockouts Champions who are currently not with the company: 

  • Awesome Kong
  • Taylor Wilde
  • Angelina Love
  • Tara
  • Winter
  • Mickie James

As we reported recently, Taylor Wilde told people on Twitter that she wouldn't be opposed to returning to Impact Wrestling if she could be guaranteed a decent contract. It's totally possible that the big "return" could be Brooke Tessmacher, who is still with the company (so far as we know) but hasn't appeared in some time. There has been a lot of rumor going around recently that she has finished up with TNA, so if this is untrue it's possible they could just be going out of their way to let us know. 

Either way, find out tonight with our exclusive live coverage of Impact Wrestling on at 9PM ET. 


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