Shane McMahon Files $50 Million Complaint Over NYC Home, Updated WrestleMania Betting Odds, Foley’s RAINN Raffle

Shane McMahon Files $50 Million Complaint Over NYC Home

According to Luxury Living NYC, Shane McMahon and his wife Marissa have filed a complaint with the Supreme Court of New York, against the New York City building in which they live, the building management, and several unnamed construction firms.

The complaint asks that damages, in an amount no less than $50 million, be awarded to the McMahons as a result of water leaks in their penthouse home which have caused the growth of "certain toxic, airborne contaminants." Additionally, the contaminants reportedly gave the McMahons and their three young children severe respiratory ailments.

They were reportedly forced to evacuate their home in May 2012, and due to the building issues, have been unable to return.

Updated WMania Betting Odds

Yesterday we reported early WrestleMania 30 betting odds, which you can check out at this link, and we noted odds have Daniel Bryan defeating Triple H. The odds also have the winner of that match going on to win the WWE World Title.

News on Foley's RAINN Raffle

Mick Foley has noted the following on Twitter regarding his RAINN raffle:


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