JR Responds to Fan Question About Resolving WWE Issues, 3/28 SD! Viewership Increases, Rodriguez Confirms ‘Mania Role

3/28 Smackdown Viewership Increases

According to TVByTheNumbers.com, this past Friday's edition of WWE SmackDown averaged 3.057 million viewers, which is up from the previous week's 2.597 million viewers.

Rodriguez Confirms 'Mania Role

Ricardo Rodriguez noted on Twitter that he will be doing Spanish commentary during WrestleMania 30.

JR Responds to Fan Question About Resolving WWE Issues

A fan asked Jim Ross via the Q&A section of JRsBarBQ.com if him attending the Hall of Fame ceremony meant he is resolving any issues he might have with WWE, and JR responded by saying:

"There's nothing unresolved. My relationship with WWE is exactly what we want it to be. I'm staying very busy and doing something for WWE Network on an ongoing basis would be challenging. They've moved on and so have I with no regrets."


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