Ric Flair, Daniel Bryan & Jim Ross Reflect On 30 Years of WrestleMania, Talk Vince McMahon’s Work Ethic, “YES! Movement”, More

30 years of wrestlemaniaThe Boston Herald has a great new article online featuring quotes from Ric Flair, Danniel Bryan and Jim Ross. The three pro wrestling mega-names reflect on 30 years of WrestleMania. 

Vince McMahon was one of the focal points of the piece as both Flair and Ross both put him over, crediting his vision and work ethic as reasons why the event is what it is today. 

On McMahon, Flair said: “WrestleMania is what it is because of Vince. He’s made this the Mecca of Sports Entertainment.”

J.R. added the following: “Vince doesn’t go to ball games, golf, or any of that rich-guy stuff. He just works, and nobody works harder than him. He’s always had that unrelenting work ethic, and I think a lot of it stems from his father. His father was such an iconic figure in the wrestling business. Vince idolized his father from afar, and he wanted to do anything he could to draw favor from his dad. When his dad reluctantly allowed Vince to get into the wrestling business, that overwhelming work ethic kicked in.”

As far as the "YES! Movement" goes and what Daniel Bryan wants this Sunday to mean for him and his future:

“I’d like to go out on Monday Night Raw on the day after WrestleMania and start a new era with guys who can go out in the ring and perform. John Cena and Randy Orton are great performers, but so are Cesaro and The Shield. It’s time to give some new guys some new opportunities.”

A piece definitely worth checking out if you have the time. You can read the full article on BostonHerald.com.


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