WWE RAW Results (4/14) – IC Title Tourney, Evolution Reforms!

Bray Wyatt says he is different, and he is a destroyer, and they can call him whatever they want, but he's never lied to them. He says John Cena has made a career out of lying but they shouldn't be fooled, and he calls Cena a beast that needs one more push. Bray says he has Cena right where he wants him, but he doesn't want to destroy him just yet, and he wants to play some more. Cena comes out and says he wants to have some fun, and Bray tried and failed at Wrestlemania so he is in the mood for something lighter.

Cena mocks all three members of the Wyatt Family and their appearance, complete with 'family photos', but Bray is not playing along. Bray says all Cena does is make jokes when a threat is in his face, so Cena says Bray saw what happens when his back is against the wall. Cena says he will force Bray to fight by himself, and he challenges Bray to a Steel Cage match at Extreme Rules. He says no family members will be there, but Bray says they play with knives and one of them will get stabbed, and he thinks it's Cena, not him.

Santino Marella & Emma vs Fandango & Layla

Fandango hits a shoulder tackle but Santino comes back with some strikes, then he goes right for a Cobra strike but Layla tags herself in. Emma knocks her down and puts her in the Dilemma, then Santino knocks Fandango off the apron but Layla shoves Emma and rolls her up.

Winners – Fandango & Layla

Stephanie McMahon is shown berating Kane for letting his personal feelings getting the best of him, and she blames him for The Shield getting out of hand. She says he let them down and he let Daniel Bryan beat him three times, and he was supposed to be in charge. Stephanie continues to scream at him and says he is a shell of who he used to be, and Kane finally snaps and throws his chair back. He stares at the case holding his mask, then he opens it and holds the mask up, promising to eviscerate Bryan once and for all.

BP: Good promos from Cena and Wyatt, with Bray calling Cena out for what I like least about him, and Cena turning it around nicely. Good interaction with Kane and Stephanie, been waiting for this to come back around to Kane putting the mask back on.