WWE Smackdown Results (4/18) – Big E vs Alberto, Hornswoggle vs El Torito, Sheamus vs Batista

Fandango (w/ Layla) vs Santino (w/ Emma)

Santino whips Fandango and does a split, but Fandango holds the ropes and kicks him in the face before attempting a legdrop. Santino rolls away and hiptosses him, then he headbutts Fandango and goes for a Cobra strike while Emma takes care of Layla on the floor. They fight while Fandango tries to attack Santino off of the distraction, but Santino avoids it and catches him with a rollup for the win.

Winner – Santino

Sheamus vs Batista

Batista slams Sheamus into the apron and rolls him inside, but Sheamus kicks him a few times and hits a kneelift off the ropes. Sheamus tries to club him on the apron but Batista snaps Sheamus' head on the ropes, and Sheamus gets pissed and shoves him off the apron as we go to a break. We get back to see Batista hit Sheamus on the floor, then he throws him into the ringpost and slingshots him throat first into the ropes. He sets up a Batista Bomb but Sheamus shoves him out to the floor, then brings him back in and tackles him in the corner. Sheamus hits a kneelift and clubs Batista with Ten Beats on the apron, and follows up with a Battering Ram for a two count.

Batista counters a rolling fireman's carry slam with some elbows, so Sheamus hits White Noise for two and whips him in the corner. Sheamus scoop slams Batista and calls for a Brogue Kick, but Batista rolls outside so Sheamus runs out and punches him in the back. Sheamus rolls him in and goes for a Brogue Kick, but Batista ducks and spears him for two before setting up for a Batista Bomb. Sheamus backdrops him and heads up top, but Batista crotches him on the ropes and clotheslines him, then he hits a Batista Bomb for the win.

Winner – Batista

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