WWE RAW Results (4/21) – Kane Takes Bryan Out, IC Tourney Semi Finals, Cena Faces The Wyatts

John Cena vs The Wyatt Family

The Wyatts rush the ring and pummel Cena in the corner, then they back off as the ref asks Cena if he can continue, and Cena tells him to ring the bell. Harper hits him and Rowan takes him down with a fallaway slam, then Bray picks Cena up and dances around with him. Bray laughs as Cena falls to the mat, then Harper whips him but Cena reverses it and counters with a clothesline. Harper knocks him back down and Bray sets Cena up for a kick, but he stops and tags out instead. Cena gets Harper in a STF but Rowan breaks it up, then they send him outside and whip him into the stairs.

We get back from a break to see Harper set up for a superplex, but Cena knocks him down and takes him out with a tornado DDT. Bray gets in and hits Cena with a side slam for two, then Bray punches him a few times and Rowan whips him across the ring. Cena sidesteps him and Rowan hits the ring post, then Bray gets back in and splashes Cena in the corner. Bray spider walks towards him but Cena comes back with a clothesline, then he hits an Attitude Adjustment but Harper dives in and breaks the pin up before the ref calls for the bell. Harper kicks Cena in the face and Bray takes Cena down with Sister Abigail, then he sings again, holding Cena's head in his hands before he starts laughing hysterically and continues to sing over and over.

Winner (by disqualification) – John Cena