4/25 WWE Smackdown Results: The Shield vs. The World, Cesaro Takes on Swagger, Paul Heyman Debates Zeb Colter & More

-Brad Maddox is backstage talking to somebody on the phone. The Shield enters his office and tosses the phone on the floor. Reigns throws Maddox into the wall and Dean Ambrose beats the hell out of him, acting like a wild dog.  

-They roll footage of WWE's recent trip to Saudi Arabia, featuring Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Cesaro, and Kofi Kingston.  

-Santino & Emma come out for a tag team match. Fandango and Layla are out next, but The Shield come out during their dance and beat down Fandango. They drag him to the edge of the stage by the big WWE logo, and Roman Reigns powerbombs him off the stage through a couple of tables.  

11-on-3 Handicap Match

The Shield vs. 3MB, Fandango, Damien Sandow, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Titus O'Neil, Jack Swagger, Alberto del Rio and Wade Barrett

The Shield come out first, through the crowd as usual. The only guys left are Barrett, Titus, del Rio, Sandow and Ryback, so we're actually going to have a 5-on-3 handicap match.

Ryback locks up against Seth Rollins first, actually getting him in a headlock. Rollins shakes off the hold but is leveled by a shoulder block, only to come back with a standing dropkick. In comes big Roman Reigns, who fires away with body shots to Ryback in The Shield's corner.

Titus O'Neil tags in for his team, as Ryback has had enough, but he also gets worked over by the trio. Titus finally powers Ambrose into the heel corner, and in comes Bad News Barrett. Ambrose actually overpowers him and now all hell breaks loose as all eight guys start to brawl around the ring. After a commercial break, Bad News has Ambrose in a headlock in the middle of the ring. Dean fights back with right hands, but runs into a big boot from Barrett.

Alberto del Rio tags in for the first time, and puts the boots to Ambrose. He hits a nice step-up enzuigiri and tosses Dean to the floor so Ryback can get in a few cheap shots. Ryback actually tags in now and hits a big splash on Ambrose for a two-count. He goes into a headlock for several minutes, followed by a massive spinebuster, but Rollins breaks up the pin and again the apron empties.

Ryback misses the meathook clothesline, del Rio gets tossed through the second rope, and Ambrose makes the hot tag to Roman Reigns, which gets a great non-produced pop from the fans. Reigns with the Superman Punch on Titus, and a Samoan Drop on Ryback. Sit-down slam on Sandow, but Ryback saves the match. And…we're back to chaos.

The Shield clear the ring of all the heels and head to the floor to continue beating down everyone. Reigns with a dropkick to Sandow, who I believe is the legal man. Barrett and del Rio get on the apron and get in Reigns' face, but they both shrug them off and start walking up the ramp, retreating from the match. Barrett gets away, but Reigns comes out of nowhere with a Superman Punch on ADR.

Damien Sandow is the lone wolf for his time, and turns around into a massive spear from Roman Reigns. 1…2…and 3.

Winners: The Shield

-After the match, Titus O'Neil gets speared by Reigns. Ryback gets tosses into the ring – he gets a spear from Reigns. Ryback planted with a triple powerbomb, and The Shield stands tall to send Smackdown off the air.  


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