Nancy Grace Attempting to Bury the Hatchet with Wrestling Fans?, Backstage Update on Creative Booking for Paige on WWE TV

Nancy Grace Attempting to Bury the Hatchet with Wrestling Fans?

paigeAs we reported last week, the pro wrestling segment scheduled for the Nancy Grace show on CNN HLN, which was to cover pro wrestling and feature guest RJ Brewer, was cancelled and no make-up date has been announced.

According to, Brewer was told Nancy Grace producers would be in contact with him regarding a new segment date, so the original segment was postponed and not canceled. Supposedly Nancy Grace wants to "make amends" with pro wrestling fans after so many were upset with her following her Ultimate Warrior death coverage.

Backstage Update on Creative Booking for Paige on WWE TV is reporting that the WWE creative team is booking new Divas Champion Paige to defeat low-level Divas like Aksana and Alicia Fox the fans can get to know Paige and her in-ring style.

Fans need to get to know Paige better, and ultimately have a reason to get behind her as a babyface, so officials feel that by working with Divas like Aksana and Alicia Fox, Paige will develop more in the ring and eventually be more supported by fans when it comes to PPV matches like the one she has against Tamina Snuka at Extreme Rules.


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