Update On Impact/Wrestle-1 Event, Vince Russo Remembers Ultimate Warrior

Update On Impact/Wrestle-1 Event

The July 6th Wrestle-1 event featuring some Impact Wrestling talent will NOT be taped as a One Night Only pay-per-view, reports PWInsider.com, despite earlier reports suggesting it would.

A TNA representative notified Insider to clear up the confusion.

The event — being held at the Sumo Hall in Japan — will feature several TNA stars, including TNA Tag Team Champions, The Wolves, defending their titles, along with X-Division Champion Sanada defending his belt against The Great Muta.

vince russoVince Russo Remembers Warrior

Vince Russo posted a new column today on PyroandBallyhoo.com remembering The Ultimate Warrior. The blog, entitled "Advice I'll Never Forget", includes a letter written by Warrior to Russo from years ago. 

Here is a brief excerpt:

"I considered the Warrior and Dana friends, even though it had been many years since I’d last seen them. I think that’s what “kindred spirits” really are. You may not see, or talk to someone for years—but, everyday they’re with you in your soul.

I think I first met Warrior in about 1995 when I was editor of the then “WWF Magazine”. It was Shane McMahon who introduced him to me. At that time, Warrior was just in and out for barely a cup of coffee, as he and Vince couldn’t come to an agreement on I think merchandising rights, so they decided to part ways at the time. It really wasn’t until about a year, or two later when I actually got to work with Warrior, as I was now working on TV, and he was in a program with Goldust.

I can vividly remember actively working with Warrior for the first time when I tried to take a stab at writing some of his promos. Even though I was much younger at the time, and hadn’t been in the business that long, I actually think that Warrior respected me for actually taking a shot at the impossible. Let’s face it—nobody could talk like the Warrior. Nobody was, or is, capable of stringing together sentences and paragraphs like he did. At times it almost seemed like he spoke a different language—one that very few could understand. In an effort to really attempt to get a feel for him, I would listen to every word that came out of his mouth. It was between the lines where I would find words of leadership, encouragement . . . and hope."

You can check out Vince Russo's article by clicking here.


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