WWE Smackdown Results (6/20) – Rollins, Ambrose Both In Action, Big Seven Man Handicap Match

4-on-3 Handicap Match

Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Bray Wyatt & Cesaro

vs Roman Reigns, Sheamus & John Cena

Cesaro and Sheamus trade punches in the corner before Bray gets in, and he slugs Sheamus a few times in the corner. Cena gets involved before we get back to Sheamus and Cesaro, and Cesaro ends up getting thrown outside and into the barricade as we go to a break. We get back to see Alberto put Sheamus in a headlock, then Sheamus fights out and hits a rolling senton before Cena and Orton tag in. Cena hits a shoulder tackle and a sit out side slam, then he connects with a Five Knuckle Shuffle before going for an Attitude Adjustment. Orton grabs the ropes and rolls outside, then all seven men end up brawling on the floor while Orton rolls back in and hits Cena with a hangman's DDT.

Bray tags in and splashes Cena in the corner, then he goes for a second but Cena kicks him in the face and runs back at him. Bray catches him with a sidewalk slam for two, then he holds Cena in place for Alberto to kick him in the head. Alberto hits Cena a few times and taunts him, then he goes for a leg lariat but misses and falls outside, and Cesaro has to help him back inside. Orton cuts Cena off from the tag and powerslams him, then he stomps Cena and Cesaro catches him with a lifting European upercut for two. Cesaro continues to punch Cena and stomps him in the corner, then Alberto hits an enziguiri for two before Cena catches him with a desperation dropkick.

Alberto dropkicks Cena's knee to prevent a tag, then he superkicks him for a two count and Cesaro kicks Sheamus on the apron. He taunts Sheamus and walks into a backdrop by Cena, then Reigns finally tags in and clotheslines Alberto before hitting a corner clothesline. He rolls outside and clotheslines Bray, then Sheamus decks Cesaro, and Reigns goes for a Superman punch but Orton pulls him outside. Reigns recovers and hits Bray with a Superman punch on the apron, then he throws Orton outside as Alberto hits Reigns from behind. Alberto goes for a Cross Armbreaker but Reigns shoves him into the ropes, and he turns and spears him for the win.

Winners – Roman Reigns, Sheamus & John Cena

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