Ring of Honor “Best in the World” Results: Adam Cole Defends Against Michael Elgin, Bad Influence Returns to ROH, Kevin Steen’s Last Ride

best in the worldRing of Honor: Best in the World
June 22nd 2014
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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6-Man Mayhem Match
Winner Gets a ROH World TV Championship Match
ACH vs. Watanabe vs. Caprice Coleman vs. Tadarius Thomas vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Rules are crazy for this match. Two men in at a time, anybody can tag anybody, and if somebody goes over the top rope another legal man may enter in his place. It ensures constant action all the time. 

ACH and Ciampa start off and do some counter-grappling to pop the fans, but Watanabe steals a tag and attacks Ciampa from behind. Coleman tags himself in, but is immediately tagged out to TD. Thomas slaps his former partner ACH across the face, then kicks him in the head, but ACH dropkicks him to the floor. In comes Whitmer, who clotheslines him from behind. Whitmer and Ciampa battle to the outside leaving Watanabe to hit an uppercut on ACH for a two-count. ACH hypes the crowd, looking to fly over the ropes, but Whitmer takes him out to a big "BJ sucks" chant. The two members of the Decade work him over with quick tags, along with some assistance from Watanabe. Finally ACH tags out to Caprice Coleman, who tosses Whitmer off the top rope with a hurricanrana. He hits TD with two rolling German suplexes, then hoists up Watanabe for a double back suplex to finish off the trilogy. Ciampa is back with an Irish Curse backbreaker on Watanabe. No semblence of order in this match now, as the ring is just constant tags and chaos. Watanabe with a huge suplex on Whitmer for a nearfall, but TD breaks it up, hitting him with a stunner. Project Ciampa on TD. Project Ciampa on ACH. Whitmer hits an exploder suplex on his own Decade partner to try and steal the win, but Watanabe breaks it up. Ciampa gets his boots up on Watanabe and throws him into the turnbuckle, following up with a huge unprotected knee to the face. He hits yet another knee, then on the third decides he'd rather leap over the top rope and take down four people. This of course leads to Coleman leaping over the ropes to take down everyone. Which…of course leads to ACH clearing the top rope with a flying senton, taking down the pack. He crawls back in the ring and hits a 450 Splash on Thomas for the 1-2-3. 

Winner: ACH


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