Details Behind Today’s TNA “Emergency Meeting” and the Future of Impact Wrestling’s Authority Figure (Contains Spoilers)

kurt angleTNA teased a big "emergency meeting" today with their board of directors, that apparently didn't include Dixie Carter or MVP. As we stated earlier, there is no actual meeting, and it's quite obviously just a continuation of the eternal power strugle angle in TNA. 

In an episode of Impact Wrestling taped last week following last week's live show, Kurt Angle was appointed the new authority figure for the show. Whether he'll be called the "Director of Wrestling Operations" or some fancy new title, we don't know, but he'll be "in charge" for the foreseeable future. 

The decision to put Angle in that role was made to get the most out of his current deal with the company, as he recently underwent surgery and will be out of action for the next few months. Instead of having Kurt at home, TNA made the decision to bring him back to television and have MVP return to his role as a regular part of the wrestling roster. As of now Angle is still working as a babyface, and through at least the July 24th edition of Impact – we'll know more after the Destination X taping tomorrow – there are no plans to turn him heel. 

As for the aforementioned "emergency meeting", TNA is simply playing up the power switch on this week's episode of Impact. 


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