Update On Vince McMahon TV Return, McCool Back At Performance Center

update on vince mcmahonUpdate On Vince McMahon 

It appears Vince McMahon, the on-air character, might be put on the shelf for the time being as Stephanie McMahon becomes the new version. In some interesting news, WWE is now billing Steph as "The principal owner of World Wrestling Entertainment" rather than "one of the principal owners". 

That small change is quite significant, reports The Observer, as Stephanie McMahon will be put over on television as the owner of WWE. Additionally, since things fell through for Vince McMahon to return to TV by WrestleMania XXX earlier this year, the impression given was that Vince would do appearances when needed, such as documentaries and specials, but the on-air "Chairman of the Board" is retired for now. 

McCool Back At Performance Center

Michelle McCool was back at the WWE Performance Center this week working with the developmental divas, reports The Wrestling Observer. This isn't the first time the former diva showed up at the Center as her and Undertaker spent some time there last September. It's unknown whether Taker was there this week or not. 


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