Bo Dallas Marries Former NXT Diva, MITB Status Unknown For Bad News Barrett

Bo Dallas Married

bo dallasBo Dallas recently got married, according to his sister. Mike revealed on Instagram a photo of Dallas with the following message:

"I am blessed, honored, joyed, FREAKING ecstatic to announce Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Michael Rotunda! I have a beautiful new sister in law and can't wait to watch these two shine through life together and take this world by storm!"

The bride was formerlyin NXT and her name is Sarah Backman.

Bad News Barrett Status Unknown

It is still unknown if Bad News Barrett will be competing at WWE Money in the Bank on Sunday. His picture is still on the graphic on the website.

WWE may not announce his status until the actual event. Barrett and WWE have been very quiet since they released the information on Tuesday night about his shoulder injury.


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