WWE RAW Results (6/30) – Three Huge Returns, New Divas Champ, Cena’s First Defense Announced

Lana and Rusev come to the ring and Lana mocks the USA chants, and she says America teaches their children it's about participation instead of winning and losing. She says it's not a superpower anymore, and Russia is, because they have a great leader and no one can stop them. Lana asks who America's next failure will be, and who will lose to Rusev, then Rusev cuts a promo in Russian before saying 'Rusev… Crush'.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and Zeb says he is sick of their crap and he won't let it continue. He says Lana can say whatever she wants because of freedom of speech, and now he gets to speak because of that same freedom. Zeb says he knows something that can stop Rusev, and that's a real American like Jack Swagger, so he wants them all to listen. He gets the crowd to all scream 'we the people', then Swagger stands ready for a fight but Lana backs Rusev down and tells him to leave. Rusev turns and rushes Swagger, but Swagger takes him down with two armdrags and Rusev bails.

BP: That might have been the easiest and most seamless face turn I have seen in some time. This shows you how hated Rusev is, and how Zeb can get a crowd behind him. I can't recall Swagger ever being a true babyface, but I'm interested in seeing where it goes. Good segment.

Sheamus & The Usos vs The Wyatt Family

Rowan attacks Jimmy and slams his head on the mat, then Jimmy kicks him a few times before Sheamus tags in and hits Ten Beats. Harper pulls Rowan outside but Sheamus dives on them from the top rope, then he rolls Rowan back in and hits a powerslam. Sheamus calls for a Brogue Kick but Bray tries to clothesline him, then Rowan uses the distraction to clothesline him out to the floor. Harper tags in and hits Sheamus with a running big boot on the floor, then Bray comes in and gets a near fall before punching Sheamus in the head. Bray stomps him and goes for a splash, but Sheamus kicks him in the face, so Bray retaliates by dumping him outside. Harper rolls him in but Sheamus knocks him down and tags out, and Jey connects with some kicks and a splash to the floor. Jey kicks Harper in the face and Sheamus knocks Rowan outside, then Jey splashes him as Sheamus turns around into a Uranage slam by Bray. Jimmy superkicks him, but Harper rolls back in and hits him with a lariat for the win.

Winners – The Wyatt Family


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