7/1 WWE Main Event Results: Intercontinental Title Hopefuls in 6-Man Tag Match, Stephanie McMahon Appears & More


WWE Main Event Results
July 1st 2014
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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-Paul Heyman is out to start the show with his client Cesaro, who won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania. Cesaro is sporting an eye patch after the injury he suffered on Raw. Heyman says they were supposed to have a match tonight, but because of his injury Cesaro will not be in action, and the fans can blame Kofi Kingston for their loss. They roll footage of Cesaro absolutely destroying Kofi on Raw. Heyman says that Cesaro will be in action at WWE Battleground to win the Intercontinental Championship – out comes Dolph Ziggler to interrupt them. Ziggler reminds everyone of the time he won Money in the Bank, and the time he became World Heavyweight Champion, and the time he became Intercontinental Champion, and asks what Cesaro has ever done. He's about to tell them to "man up", but out comes Big E, who cuts a preacher style promo about winning the title. Axel and Ryback come out to add to the noise, followed by Rob Van Dam. RVD puts over Ziggler and Big E, but says the only thing Ryback ever did was steal his ring gear. A brawl breaks out, and the babyfaces clear the ring as the heels all retreat up the ramp. 

KILLAM: Main Event never gets a 10-minute promo opener, but this one was a real treat. Smart to have Heyman carry the bulk of the talking, as he and RVD both got great reactions from the New Jersey crowd. Axel and Ryback continue to improve in minor ways over the weeks. Ziggler with his best promo in months. 


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