
Breaking News: WWE Fires Emma…Then Reinstates Her?

Early today WWE.com announced the following breaking news:

“WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Diva Emma as of today, July 2, 2014. WWE wishes Emma the best in all her future endeavors.”

Just minutes ago, WWE put out another announcement, stating that they have since reinstated the 25-year-old Diva: 

“Upon further evaluation, WWE has reinstated Tenille Dashwood (WWE Diva Emma) but will take appropriate punitive action for her violation of the law.”

KILLAM: This is pure speculation on my part, but my best guess is that WWE fired her because the arrest violated her work visa – meaning she’d be forced to return to Australia – but were able to get that cleared up, and reversed their decision. I find it unlikely WWE mangement changed their mind because of social media support, even if the community has been very vocal about Emma this afternoon. 


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