7/22 WWE Main Event Results: Battleground Rematch, Seth Rollins vs. Fandango, Kofi Kingston Teams w/ Big E & More

 -Heath Slater is backstage with Titus O’Neil. He calls them “Slater Gator” and proclaims them as the best new tag team in the WWE. Titus says they’re not a damn tag team, and tells Heath to sit down, shut up and follow his damn lead. 

 -Roman Reigns vs. Alberto del Rio this week on Smackdown. 

Slater Gator vs. Big E & Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods)

Xavier is out in a tuxedo in the managerial role. A loud “Slater Gator” chant breaks out as Titus takes it to Kofi Kingston. Kofi comes back with chops and right hands, and the two brawl around the ring, until Titus hits a few backbreakers. Heath Slater tags in and Kofi takes it to both opponents with right hands, but Slater dumps him on his head. Slater Gator start fighting with each other, and Big E takes advantage getting the tag. Langston with big right hands to Titus, and a back elbow to Slater. Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere on Heath Slater. Xavier is commanding his team as Big E hits a backbreaker which sets up a Kofi double stomp off the top rope. They do the same thing to Slater, and Big E picks up the win on both guys. 

Winners: Big E & Kofi Kingston

KILLAM: WHAT WAS THAT!? This new Big E/Kofi duo is excellent, and Xavier is great in the manager role. That was old school, and the team did exactly what their boss man said. Really great segment, and I can’t wait to see more.