More Dates Added To Brock Lesnar’s Schedule, Information on Impact’s Highest Rated Segment Last Week, David Otunga Appearance

Brock Lesnar’s Schedule

brock lesnar's scheduleThere have been two more announced dates for Brock Lesnar’s schedule on WWE television. Both are Raw shows, as he is expected to appear at the August 18th in Las Vegas and September 15th in Lafayette, Louisiana. 

The show in Louisiana is the go-home show before WWE Night of Champions.

Impact Wrestling Segments

Impact Wrestling posted a 1.07 television rating, which is slightly up from the 1.04 from the previous week. This is the highest rating since February. 

The main event of the night, which featured Team 3D and Tommy Dreamer vs. Team Dixie, drew a high of 1.17.

On the other end, Zema Ion vs. Low Ki drew a 1.05 rating.

David Otunga Appearance

David Otunga will be appearing on today’s episode of General Hospital. The show can be seen on ABC at 2pm and Otunga appears as himself.


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