WWE Smackdown Results (8/1) – Swagger vs Cesaro, Ziggler vs Alberto, Rowan vs Jericho!

 After a clip reel showing recent events, Renee Young asks Chris Jericho for his thoughts on the Wyatt Family. Jericho says he finally got his hands on them, but three on one is a hard number to overcome, and that’s why there a stipulation in place for tonight. He says if he wins he will ensure there’s no interference at Summerslam, and he will do whatever it takes to make sure the Wyatt Family will never be the same again.

Fandango vs Diego (w/ El Torito, Summer Rae & Layla)

Fandango hits Diego a few times and knocks him down, then he gets into an argument with Summer and Layla before snapping Diego’s head on the ropes. Summer and Layla start dancing with Torito to distract Fandango, and Diego drops him with a DDT for the win.

Winner – Diego

Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio

Dolph Ziggler hits an elbow before Alberto flapjacks him, then he charges the corner but Dolph sidesteps him and follows with a splash. Alberto comes back with a German suplex for two, then Dolph knocks Alberto down but Miz interrupts them by continuing his acceptance speech on the commentary table. Alberto goes for a rollup but Dolph kicks out, then he ducks an enziguiri and hits a Famouser for two. Miz thanks Dolph for letting Miz win the title, then Miz says Dolph just isn’t as good as him and Dolph chases him down. Miz jumps the guardrail but Dolph hits him a few times, then he rolls back in but Alberto catches him in the Cross Armbreaker and makes him tap out.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio