WWE Main Event Results (9/16) – Ziggler/Truth vs Miz/Sandow, Rollins vs Big E!

Brie Bella vs Cameron

Cameron hits Brie a few times and slams her head on the mat, then she hits a legdrop for two. Cameron stretches her before Brie breaks out and dropkicks her, then she connects with a dropkick from the second rope before hitting a facebuster for the win.

Winner – Brie Bella

Big E vs Seth Rollins

Rollins avoids locking up with Big E before he hits him a few times, then E slams him in the corner and hits a shoulder tackle. E hits him a few times and connects with a backbreaker, then he takes him outside and slams him into the commentary table. E press slams Rollins back into the ring, then Rollins rebounds off the ropes and hits a suicide dive on the floor. We get back from a break to see Rollins hit E and put him in a chinlock, then E slams him back into the turnbuckles and breaks it. Rollins whips him back and connects with a forearm shot, then he taunts E and tells him brains will win. E makes a comeback with some clotheslines and a splash, then Rollins floats over after a backdrop and lands on the apron. He kicks E in the head, but E shakes it off and spears him off of the floor. E rolls him in and goes for the Big Ending, but Rollins counters and kicks him in the head. Rollins sidesteps a corner tackle by E, then he hits the ropes and Curb Stomps E for the win.

Winner – Seth Rollins