wwe night of champions

WWE Night of Champions Results (9/21): New Champions Crowned, Dean Ambrose Returns & Brock Lesnar Defends the World Championship

United States Title Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Cesaro 

Sheamus surprises his opponent by actually locking up and chain wrestling him. It eventually breaks down as he gets slapped in the face, and the brawling starts in. They trade punches and kicks and knees and everything else they can, until both of them go over the top rope. Cesaro gets back in the ring first, and Sheamus does his battering ram move over the ropes. Irish whip to the corner (literally), but Sheamus actually skins the cat to the top rope, only to get uppercut all the way to the floor. Cesaro puts on a rest hold, Sheamus counters into his own headlock, Cesaro reverses with a suplex. The champ fires up with a few ax handles, but Cesaro turns him upside-down with a lariat. After a few minutes, Sheamus tries for his Ten Beats, but Cesaro uppercuts him and they fight to the top turnbuckle. The challenger ends up crashing to the floor with a sit-down toss, and Sheamus sets up for the Brogue Kick, only to get caught by a huge uppercut. They brawl back and forth with elbows but nobody is going down. Another Brogue Kick attempt, but Cesaro with a roll-up counter. Looks like he tries for the Neutralizer, but settles for a powerbomb instead. Yet another Brogue attempt – yet another powerslam counter. It’s time to trade standing uppercuts and Sheamus ends up taking a beating, then comes back and asks for more! Cesaro responds with a big boot and starts throwing punches, but the referee backs him off and Sheamus comes out of the corner with a Brogue! 1-2-3. 

Winner and STILL CHAMPION: Sheamus


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