WWE Smackdown Results (10/3) – Paige vs Naomi, Big Show Apologizes To Russia, Cena/Ambrose vs Authority!

Paige (w/ Alicia Fox) vs Naomi

Paige applies a side headlock but Naomi shoves her in the corner and dropkicks her, then she connects with a second dropkick and a hurricanrana. Naomi hits her again and Alicia tries to pull Paige outside, but Naomi kicks her and takes Alicia down with a diving splash on the floor. Naomi gets on the apron and Paige knees her in the face, then she pulls her over and makes her tap out to the PTO.

Winner – Paige

Big Show comes out and says everyone has to answer for their actions at some point, and he wants to have an honest and open discussion. He says his patriotism might have got the best of him, and he shouldn’t have pulled down the Russian flag, because they’d be pissed if someone did it to the American flag. Show says he gererally likes the Russian people he meets, and he can’t take back his actions, but what he can do is sincerely apologize to any Russians he offended. Rusev and Lana cut him off, and Lana says Show owes Rusev a personal apology, but Show says he doesn’t owe either one of them anything. Rusev runs Show down and says he spit in their faces and on the Russian flag with his actions, then Rusev beats him with the flag pole and kicks him in the face. Rusev taunts the crowd but Show gets up and is enraged, so Rusev backs away and leaves while Show dares him to come back and fight.

 The Usos vs Slater Gator (w/ Hornswoggle)

Jey chops Slater and clotheslines him, then he goes for a splash but Slater sidesteps him and kicks him in the face. Slater punches him a few times as the Rosebud Bunny hops out, and Slater screams at him to go away. Hornswoggle runs at him but Bunny hops over him and sends Hornswoggle to the mat, then The Usos hit Slater and Titus with in stereo superkicks. They head up top as Bunny rolls Hornswoggle in, and all three hits splashes, with the Usos making the cover for the win.
Winners – The Usos


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