WWE Promoting Orton Vines, Update On Team 3D In WWE Or Japan, Who Was Responsible For Bullet Club Promos?

tna live event resultsTeam 3D In WWE

Source: PWInsider

Word is that both WWE and Team 3D have sent out feelers about working with each other in the future, since Team 3D is no longer under contract to TNA. 

Bully’s Bullet Promos

We previously reported that even though Bully Ray of Team 3D mentioned another faction in a post match promo at Bound For Glory, they were ultimately edited from the final US broadcast. 

Bully called out New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Bullet Club faction, and the promos were all Bully’s idea. Neither TNA nor Wrestle-1 approved the promos, and officials from both companies didn’t want the content to air, which is why they were removed. 

RKO Vines 

The reason being given that WWE is promoting all of the Randy Orton RKO Vine videos is that Orton himself is sharing them too, so WWE wanted to get ahead of promotions. It’s been noted that WWE is usually late to get involved with what is trending on social media. 

BP: Remember when they completely ignored social media altogether? How things have changed… 


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