Gail Kim on TNA Bound For Glory Going International, How She Wanted The Company To Have A Knockouts Division, Who Is Her Toughest Opponent Yet?

gail kimTNA Knockout Gail Kim recently talked to SportsVibe about the TNA Knockouts Division and her time with the company, and spoke on a number of topics, including her toughest opponent, working in Japan, and more. You can read a few excerpts below: 

Gail Kim on TNA adding the Knockouts division and why she joined the company: 

I just knew I wanted to wrestle and I wanted the company to have a women’s division. Never did I imagine that we would have such a great and talented amount of girls. I love our division now because everybody has something different to offer.

Gail Kim on TNA Bound For Glory going international:

I think it was a great idea. We’ve never done a pay-per-view in Japan before. I know from my experience that the fans are different because they clap more and are less rowdy than in the United States. So it’s always interesting and it translated different on television. I think real true wrestling fans appreciated the idea. Wrestling is huge in Japan so to see a different style matched with the American style was great.

Who is Gail’s toughest opponent yet? 

The toughest physically I would say is Taryn Terrell. I worked with Taryn in WWE and there we never really got to showcase what we could do. We never really developed a women’s division to what we have here. I never knew what to expect from her. She told me she loved physicality but I’ve never met anybody who wanted to go to that level. That was the first time in fourteen years that I was blown away. We’ve had a great chemistry since we started wrestling each other regularly.

Click here for the full interview where she talks about her favorite Bound For Glory moment, wrestlers being vocal about not wanting a six-sided ring, and more.


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